Owlboy Wiki
Owlboy Wiki

Mandolyn is one of the residents who lives in Vellie. She has an affinity for music, sporting quite a large collection of stringed instruments which can be seen displayed inside her house, and is almost always seen carrying her own mandolin. Throughout the game, she has a journal that can be read which is updated after nearly every time a plot related event in the game occurs.


Mandolyn is a tall woman with long, dark brown hair that goes down slightly past her elbows and sweeps out at the bottom. She’s normally seen with a cheery look on her face, and is never seen with her eyes open. She wears a purple tunic with short sleeves and a turtleneck, with a white diamond shaped pattern on it and white trim around the edges. She wears a white skirt underneath, and golden colored boots that come to a point at the tips. She also wears two large bracelets on both arms, a blue one on her wrists, and a green one on her upper arm.


Mandolyn is very kind and caring. Many of her journal entries often show her being concerned about the people around her, with the best examples of this being Geddy and Otus. She is very gentle when speaking to Otus, and enjoys talking to Geddy in particular.


  • In the sprites of the game, Mandolyn is shown to have an unused set of sprites where she uses balloons to fly. While not shown in the game, this shows us how humans might get from place to place in this world since they can’t fly like owls can.
  • Mandolyn once went to perform in a concert with Bomboman in Advent.

